Serious burn injuries include permanent, life-threatening damages from the skin deep into the nerves and veins. Recovering from this injury takes months and years of rehabilitation treatments in a medical facility and at home. In Georgia, there are recommended plans for the management of a severely burned patient.
Fire dries out the moisture content in the skin and body. A severely burned patient drinks fluids to restore the lost moisture and prevent dehydration. In serious cases, a doctor injects the patient with intravenous (IV) fluids for a faster delivery.
Pain medications or anesthesia
Bouts of acute and chronic pain occur in severely burned patients. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are available over the counter, and narcotic analgesics are prescribed from a doctor. Local or general anesthesia is provided to patients who undergo certain medical procedures like skin grafts.
Burn creams and ointments
Severe burns are catastrophic injuries that cause permanent scarring and may cause the formation of life-threatening conditions. Examples are some patients who develop cancer from their untreated burn scars. Burn creams and ointments have antiseptic, analgesic ingredients to prevent infections, relieve pain and soothe dry, scarred skin.
Burned patients receive dressings that are replaced regularly. The dressings reduce the risks of infections that develop on open burn wounds. First, the wounds are debrided by a healthcare professional before the cloths are applied.
Severe burns are likely to result in permanent, life-threatening damage. Many burned victims have died from infections or illnesses that developed as a result of burns. To reduce the complications of serious injuries, doctors have developed complex management plans for burned patients and their caregivers to follow.