Jody D. Peterman, LLC | Attorney at Law

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Spouses filing a wrongful death claim

On Behalf of | Aug 12, 2022 | Wrongful Death |

In Georgia, spouses can file a wrongful death claim on behalf of their deceased spouse. If the claim elements are valid, the courts can rule their favor and award damages to the surviving spouse. Wrongful death cases might or might not have a jury trial. Many cases are settled before they go to trial.

The wise thing to do in a wrongful death claim is to use the support of the legal system and carefully document and maintain any documentation or evidence that sustains your claim.

Wrongful death claims are challenging for families and weigh heavily on their emotions. The stress makes managing a legal matter more challenging. It’s not necessary to prove your claim, but it’s wise to prepare to verify the validity of your claim.

As a spouse, you can access your deceased marital partner’s documents as allowed by law. Marriage certificates, wills and power of attorney establish your legal rights to their information.

Personal Injury Expertise

Strong team advocacy helps in wrongful death claims. Before a lawyer takes your case, you will be asked what you believe happened to your spouse. Preparation for these questions will lessen stress and help you develop a clear and concrete claim.

A strong, effective legal team has experience in wrongful death cases and should resemble the following:

1. Be compassionate

2. Successful spousal wrongful death cases

3. Effective communication

4. Solid reputation

5. A powerful negotiator

Professional consultation is key to success in spousal wrongful death cases. Asking vital qualifying questions gives you confidence in your representation.

Wrongful death claims

Losing a spouse is challenging enough, so ensuring that your advocacy team is intelligent, supportive and effective affirms your commitment to success. Allowing family and friends in adds a layer of support, so you don’t have to fight alone.


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